2015 Wilborn Orchestra EF - Full Body Burst


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This 2015, hand-built, Wilborn Orchestra EF has to be one of - if not THE - tastiest guitars we've ever had the pleasure of selling here at Village Music. 

The choice of material, depth of the sheen in the lacquer, unique design features - the raised fingerboard, the oblique monitoring porthole - and laser-attention to detail is unmatched: and screams of a luthier fixated on producing the finest sounding and looking instruments.


Custom - Elevated Fingerboard
Bound Heel -Binding around heel joint
Finish - Full body burst
Premium wood - Curly Mahogany
Premium Wood - Adirondack Spruce top

As you can imagine a guitar of this quality is used carefully when played, and as such, this guitar is in mint condition with only the very lightest signs of use.

Ben Wilborn is a luthier working out of Reno, Nevada, USA, that specialises in producing unique, high-end, custom-made steel-strung guitars from the finest, hand-selected materials

Unlike a factory or production-minded luthier, Ben personally selects, planes to thickness, cuts, assembles and finishes every part on every one of the guitars he produces.

This means that he personally performs every aspect of an instrument’s construction, and can respond to any variables in the process and materials. The result is a truly custom instrument, one which has been thoughtfully and dynamically built to maximize every aspect of its character, from tailblock to headstock.

Due to demand Wilborn are not currently accepting orders on new guitars, at the moment they hope to accept 10 orders in January 2024. 

However, you can take this one home today